Sunday, September 12, 2010

200901051 fri 1-2

Aren't donuts great? Donuts come in all kinds of shapes, sizes, tastes and colours that make them a great snack. However, the best donut amongst all donuts is the plain classic sugar donut. Its round shape with the hole in the middle makes it easy to recognize and makes the dough perfectly evenly fried for consumption. The gold brown colour of the donut mixes well with the snow white sugar colour, which makes them even harder to resist. Then, when taking a big bite from it, the mixture of donut bread and sweet sugar makes it a perfect combination that tastes like even wanting for more. Since a sugar donut is easily to digest, it's great as a snack during a break.


  1. 200601825 Hyesu Ahn

    I think your main point is that sugar donuts are great snacks. I like your way of describing the donuts, and I feel like that I`m eating donuts. It makes my mouth water.

  2. The topic you chose to write about was appealing. Mainly because donuts are my favorite snack.

    Your paragraph is quite descriptive in shape, color, and texture of a plain donut. After reading your post It made me want to grab myself a donut.

    Linda Ann Cho


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